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LearnStudy chess with interactive lessons, solve puzzles and play famous gamesPracticeImprove your skills against AI characters with unique personalitiesChallengePlay against your friends in online multiplayer or in the 2-player mode
LessonsUseful chess lessons for beginnersPuzzlesSolve chess puzzles from famous gamesEpic GamesRewatch great historical games with comments
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CodyStill learning the basics, Cody blunders, making him a good opponent for kids and beginners.DeonDeon knows the rules but doesn't have a clear strategy, so he easily falls in traps.ClaireYour best partner for a quick game during the coffee break, Claire has a fast and friendly style.BorisFast and aggressive, Boris is a powerful opponent for more advanced players.GuruThis old master is slow but deadly. Are you up to the challenge?
AlyxTune her advanced android brain for personalized practice.O Settings
Available in SparkChess Premium
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Local Two-Player ModePlay with a friend on one device, taking turnsMultiplayerChallenge other players online
seconds/move OR minutes total +seconds bonus per move
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To move one of your pieces, click on the square containing it. If the piece can move, possible destinations will light up in green. Click on any lit destination square and the piece will move there. To cancel the move, instead of clicking a destination, click the origin square again.OK
You can challenge any player by their username, or you can be matched with someone with a similar rating. Once challenged, a player has 3 days to accept the challenge.
In correspondence chess mode, players have 24 hours to make a move, and can move even when their opponent is not online.